
Smog Central is a project where we explore using AR on phones how to make users play a game related to CO2 emissions. This project was made for the course Advanced Graphics and Interaction at KTH 2019. The end result was an app for Android that let users scan images and use these to play a game. The game consisted of moving around a fan to transport smog between European countries. The game turned out to be really hard, or maybe flat out impossible to win. This could be corrected in future versions if such are made. It was fun however to present our project on an open house event at KTH. Visitors seemed interested and slightly impressed with what we had achieved as a group.

  • Captivated Tester

    A young tester happily trying out the application. She seemed overall positive about the experience. To the right, Henrik is seen helping out.

  • Interested Onlooker

    Henrik can here be seen explaining what you can do in the app and how it works. A toughtful facial expression can be seen on the onlooker. This person also tested our game.

  • Multiple People Viewing

    Here Henrik is seen explaining the product for several people in one go. There was too many people and too little time to sometimes give a one on one explanation. It did go fine having a distance while talking to several people at once.

The Game

The Whole Picture

In this image we can see most parts that make up our game. The map of Europe is scanned with the camera using AR. As one can see on the phone being held up by a tester, all countries are lit up in different colors. Red countries have high CO2 emissions. The goal of the game is to make all countries red by moving smog from red countries to green ones, and in that way making all countries red.

Making of Movie